The Mexican Spitfire's Baby 1941

Title: The Mexican Spitfire's Baby
Languages: English
Genres: Comedy,
Runtime: 1:09:00 Hour
Cast: Lupe Velez, Leon Errol, Charles 'Buddy' Rogers
Directors: Leslie Goodwins
Rating: 5.9 (223 Votes)
Year: 1941
Summary: It is the Lindsay's wedding anniversary and they are fighting. To help them settle down with a house and children, Uncle Matt writes Lord Epping for his help in getting the Lindsay's a war orphan. Unfortunately, he does not state which war and Epping gets one from WWI. The orphan is Fifi who is in her twenties and there is trouble for Uncle Matt and Dennis if their wives find out. So Uncle Matt takes Fifi to the Bide-A-While Inn to hide her, but Miss Pepper believes that something is wrong with this couple with the same last names. Trouble brews when Uncle Matt pretends to be Lord Epping and Fifi's boyfriend Pierre comes looking for her.
C File Category Added Time Size Se. Le.
1 year, 3 months
598.6 MB 22 3