Title: Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Movie - Pyramid of Light
Languages: Japanese
Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Thriller,
Runtime: 1:30:00 Hour
Cast: Dan Green, Eric Stuart, Amy Birnbaum
Directors: Hatsuki Tsuji
MPA Rating: PG
Rating: 4.9 (8999 Votes)
TomatoMeter: 5 %
Audiance Score: 49 %
Critics Consensus: Don't watch the TV show or play the card game? Then this movie is not for you.
Year: 2004
Summary: Underneath the sands of Egypt, Anubis, an ancient evil spirit, has awakened. It's up to Yugi, who defeated Anubis centuries ago, to use his skill and determination to rid the world of evil once again.