Title: Chico & Rita
Languages: Spanish
Genres: Animation, Crime, Drama, Music, Romance,
Runtime: 1:34:00 Hour
Cast: Eman Xor Oña, Limara Meneses, Mario Guerra
Directors: Tono Errando, Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba
Rating: 7.2 (9628 Votes)
TomatoMeter: 87 %
Audiance Score: 77 %
Critics Consensus: Aimed at adults and animated with zest, Chico & Rita is a romantic delight packed with cultural detail and flavor.
Year: 2010
Summary: Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey - in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero - brings heartache and torment.