Pokémon Journeys: The Series 2020

Title: Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Languages: Japanese
Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi,
Runtime: 0:25:00 Hour
Cast: Ikue Ôtani, Rica Matsumoto, Sarah Natochenny
Rating: 7.2 (1041 Votes)
Year: 2020
Summary: With his partner Goh and his Pokémon Scorbunny in the Galar region, Ash with his Pikachu tries to capture Mew and all the Pokémon. Meanwhile, the three members of Team Rocket Jessie, James and Meowth return to their old competence from the original series to follow Ash to try to steal Pikachu or any other Pokémon, but the absences of Team Rocket's comical trio introduced in the Black and White series are replaced by scenes involving conversations from the Team Rocket trio with Giovanni via video calls or by scenes in comic relief that involve the Team Rocket trio planning to steal Pikachu or any other Pokémon, even when the Team Rocket trio is in disguise .
C File Category Added Time Size Se. Le.
1 year, 2 months
20.4 GB 0 21