Title: Amy Winehouse: I Told You I Was Trouble (Live in London)
Languages: English
Genres: Music,
Runtime: 1:33:00 Hour
Cast: Amy Winehouse, Nathan Alan, Robin Banerjee
Directors: Hamish Hamilton, Joe Kane
Rating: 7.9 (157 Votes)
Year: 2007
Summary: Sit in on an intimate evening with the Late Great Amy Winehouse as she spills her soul in her hometown. She spices up all of your favorites, even throws in a few homages to show everyone; even posthumously she would be a captivating entity. So damaged, yet honest. With a voice that is equally; Lauren Hill, Erykah Badu and Mary J Blige... Arguably. Loaded with interviews, performances and segments produced for TV... That's in addition to the concert! Witness how awesome she is.