Title: Rita Rudner and 3 Potential Ex-Husbands
Languages: English
Genres: Comedy,
Runtime: 0:57:00 Hour
Cast: Rita Rudner, David Gee, Allan Stephan
Directors: Scott L. Montoya
Rating: 6.2 (23 Votes)
Year: 2012
Summary: Rita Rudner And 3 Potential Ex Husbands, sounds like a therapy session in the making and may prove once and for all that opposites do in-fact attract. In this untraditional one hour standup comedy special Rita Rudner performs her very unique brand of comedy. Starring alongside Rita are David Gee, Allan Stephan and Jon Fox. These 3 potential ex-husbands are in fact the opposite of what you would expect from Rita Rudner's Brand of comedy and that is what makes this show so hilarious and different.