Title: The Oyler House: Richard Neutra's Desert Retreat
Languages: English
Genres: Documentary, Biography, History,
Runtime: 0:45:00 Hour
Cast: Crosby Doe, Kelly Lynch, Dion Neutra
Directors: Mike Dorsey
Rating: 7.6 (84 Votes)
Year: 2014
Summary: In 1959, a working-class government employee in the tiny desert town of Lone Pine, California, asked world-famous modern architect Richard Neutra to design his modest family home. To his surprise, Neutra agreed. Thus began an unlikely friendship that would last until Neutra's death in 1970. The Oyler House: Richard Neutra's Desert Retreat tells the story of this house and its stunning desert setting through interviews with Richard Oyler, actress Kelly Lynch, who currently owns the house, Neutra's two sons, and well-known LA real estate agent Crosby Doe.