Ghost Adventures 2007

Title: Ghost Adventures
Languages: English
Genres: Documentary,
Runtime: 1:27:00 Hour
Cast: Zak Bagans, Brian Clune, Debby Constantino
Directors: Zak Bagans, Nick Groff
Rating: 7.6 (2471 Votes)
Year: 2007
Summary: In this full-length documentary movie that inspired the hit Travel Channel series, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin visit the Old Washoe Club in Virginia City, Nevada, and the Goldfield Hotel in Goldfield, Nevada-two of the most notorious haunted sites in the Country. During the height of their existence, the two infamous locations were the scene of rape, murder, and other crimes of passion...a recipe for trapped souls. Prepare yourself for the creepiest footage ever caught on tape: where others won't set foot, the team witnesses a full-bodied apparition, a poltergeist that sends them running, and more shocking evidence that proves ghosts exist.
C File Category Added Time Size Se. Le.
1 year, 7 months
1.3 GB 15 4