Title: Lost in Separation
Languages: German
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance,
Runtime: 1:29:00 Hour
Cast: Martina Gedeck, Ulrich Tukur, Lucie Heinze
Directors: Rainer Kaufmann
MPA Rating: PG-13
Rating: 5.7 (192 Votes)
TomatoMeter: 64 %
Audiance Score: 70 %
Critics Consensus: Annette Bening and Bill Nighy are just about worth the price of admission, but Hope Gap lacks enough depth to really leave an impact.
Year: 2019
Summary: After 26 years of marriage, Georg and Doris are headed for a divorce. While Georg is having some fun with a much younger co-worker, Doris wants the divorce to be kept quite, so the couple is undergoing separation therapy, and some rough sessions of it are ahead.