A thriller film that revolves around inseparable friends Evelyn and Jenna, who love to be with each other. But Evelyn’s mother, Lucy, is skeptical of their relationship as she believes Jenna is a bit odd. However, when Jenna’s life takes a dark turn and her mother is murdered, Lucy welcomes her with open arms to live with her family so that Jenna can finish senior year. She is later surprised to find out that Jenna’s obsession with her daughter Evelyn is getting out of her hands.
Lucy worries about how close her daughter Evelyn is with her best friend Jenna. When Jenna's mother is murdered, Lucy allows Jenna to move in with them so she can finish her senior year. But Evelyn and Jenna's relationship turns weirder, making Lucy feel like she's being pushed out of Evelyn's life. Eventually, she fears Jenna may be obsessed and may even have killed her own mother. And after a high school boy is found murdered, Lucy must face the shocking truth.