This is an animated story of an unusual kingdom in which everything and everybody is pointed, except for a young boy named Oblio (Mike Lookinland). Despite his round head, he has many friends. But an evil Count (Lennie Weinrib), jealous that he is more popular than his own son (Buddy Foster), says that without a pointed head, he is an outlaw. Along with his faithful dog, Arrow, he is exiled to the Pointless Forest. There, he has many fantastic experiences (including encounters with a three-headed man, giant bees, a tree in the leaf-selling business (Paul Frees), and a good-humored old rock (Bill Martin)). From his adventures, he learns that it is not at all necessary to be pointed to have a point in life.—alfiehitchie
A father reads his son a bedtime story about young Oblio, who is banished from the fantastical kingdom of pointed heads and things for having no point.