Ovadiah Rahamim is most powerful guard of 'Sky Club ", a Mizrahi singing club . He and his wife Rachel are trying for five years to get pregnant, but after trying all - no luck. Every evening a felon named Shalom Rosenthal, repeat offering Ovadia that work in the gray market as debt collector and promise him he will earn good money. With a plot so strong and solid, thanks to the great performance of Maurice Cohen in the title role, and with a script that uses the material of Israeli life to discuss issues of loyalty and faith, "Our Father", the second film of Meny Yaish, is a great moral drama.—shmuel elrom
This is a story of fatherhood. Ovadia is the strongest and most violent doorman of Tel Aviv night clubs. He has no fear of anything and he never lost a fight . His biggest dream is to become a father, he and his wife Rachel are trying to get pregnant for almost five years. A small time gangster named Shalom Shalom Rozental sees a great potential in Ovadia. Ovadia sees this as great option to start an expensive treatment for his wife. As soon as Rachel gets pregnant, he decides to stop working for Shalom. It's not that easy.