In 1966 southern California, Richard Montañez grows up as a hardworking child with a strict father and supportive grandfather. He faces challenges in his youth and later becomes involved in a life of crime. However, when his wife Judy becomes pregnant, they decide to turn their lives around. Richard struggles to find work and eventually secures a job at Frito-Lay with the help of his friend Tony Romero. He learns about the factory and its machinery from engineer Clarence C. Baker. As the company faces difficulties, Richard gets inspired to "think like a CEO" and comes up with an idea to save Frito-Lay by targeting the Latino market. Despite initial setbacks, he eventually convinces Frito-Lay CEO Roger Enrico to try his flavored Cheetos. The idea is a success, and Richard's creation, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, goes into production. He works hard to promote the new flavor and achieves great success, leading to a bigger order from Enrico. Although Richard remains a janitor, he receives support and recognition from his colleagues and is promoted to head of international marketing. The story ends with Richard retiring from the company after 45 years, still happily married to Judy.—Frank Liesenborgs
This is the inspiring true story of Richard Montañez who, as a Frito Lay janitor, disrupted the food industry by channeling his Mexican heritage to turn Flamin' Hot Cheetos from a snack into an iconic global pop culture phenomenon.