After saving the world in Hellboy (2004), humankind's strange protector Hellboy now struggles to cope with a challenging reality. And as if that weren't enough, the emergence of Elven Prince Nuada only spells trouble. Now, the powerful being is bent on retrieving the fragments of a mystical crown that commands the indestructible Golden Army: an omnipotent legion of clockwork warriors designed to seek and destroy humans. Before this unstoppable new menace, all hope rests on Hellboy and his squad of supernatural defenders. But they are no match for Nuada's invincible forces. Has Hellboy and his justice team bitten off more than they could chew?—Nick Riganas
A prince of the mythical world starts a rebellion against humanity in order to rule the Earth. Hellboy and his team must fight to stop him from locating the all-powerful Golden Army.