This documentary follows Jared Leto and his band 30 Seconds To Mars during the making of their album This Is War, under threat of a 30-million dollar lawsuit from record label giant EMI. It explores the themes of greed in the music industry, the economy's effect on it, and the struggles and choice of artists trying to maintain creative control of their work. The film made its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 14th, 2012, and won the People's Choice Documentary award.
Telling harsh truths about the modern music business, this riveting and award-winning documentary gives intimate access to singer/actor Jared Leto ("Requiem for a Dream," "Dallas Buyers Club") and his band Thirty Seconds to Mars as they fight a relentless lawsuit with record label Virgin/EMI and write songs for their album "This Is War." Opening up his life for the camera during months of excruciating pressures, Leto reveals the struggles his band must face over questions of art, money and integrity.