Title: Jupiter's Moon
Languages: Hungarian
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller,
Runtime: 2:09:00 Hour
Cast: Merab Ninidze, Zsombor Jéger, György Cserhalmi
Directors: Kornél Mundruczó
Rating: 6.1 (3487 Votes)
TomatoMeter: 50 %
Audiance Score: 34 %
Critics Consensus: Jupiter's Moon beams with energetic style, but loses the plot as it meanders through a series of ideas without much discernible payoff.
Year: 2017
Summary: Aryan is a Syrian refugee trying to make his way into Hungary from Serbia, along with his father and many other wretched souls. They are all caught, and find themselves in a web of cynicism and corruption.