Set during the Edo period, "Zan" follows the life a ronin, Mokunoshin Tsuzuki (Sosuke Ikematsu), and those around him. Mokunoshin Tsuzuki spends time in a village helping farmers there. To keep his sword skills sharp, he spars daily with a farmer's son Ichisuke (Ryusei Maeda). His sister Yu (Yu Aoi) watches them. Meanwhile, the nation is about to undergo major unrest and potentially a civil war. A group of outlaw ronin led by Sezaemon Genda (Tatsuya Nakamura) enters the village.
Set during the tumultuous mid-19th century Edo period of Japan, Killing is the story of a masterless samurai or ronin named Ikematsu Sosuke. As the prevalent peace and tranquility are sure to be replaced by war and conflict across the land the swordsman feels restlessness creep upon him.